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by Vinita Sud Belani
Illustrated by Maggy Pierre Pelissier

Poisson Bleu takes us to the beautiful forest in Eastern India where Vaanar Lal, the frosty monkey befriends Magar Much, a lazy crocodile.
Is Magar a true friend or has Vaanar been duped by his crocodile tears ?

Heartless Crocodile: Projects
August 2006 pictures 069_edited.jpg
August 2006 pictures 070.jpg
December pictures 008.jpg
Launching the apples.jpg
Giving him apples.jpg
I am eating a big one.jpg
August 2006 pictures 066 b.jpg
I like him , Daddy.jpg
Reading books.jpg
Je veux lui manger son coeur.jpg
At the table.jpg
Swimming to the festin.jpg
I am sinking.jpg
Naque nique tu ne m'auras pas.jpg
With my honey.jpg
December pictures 004_edited.jpg
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